Saturday, October 19, 2013

How kolam flour is used for the species

he kolam is not drawn for the sake of drawing in front of the house. Kolam design in Tamilnadu brings great glory to the family. Apart from these aspects there are many other strong reasons behind the kolam flour used for drawing kolam in front of the house. There are also many other species that take the kolam powder as the food. You can even see the crows sitting in front of the kolam design and eating the kolam powder. So it can be said that the Kolam powder has been a food for all the insects that are in need of the food. Kolam not only being a great work by the ladies in the early morning in front of the house, it has also been a great culture and the tradition that is being followed from the olden days itself. 

 Actually the ladies in the house prepare the kolam powder with the help of the rice flour which contains some impurities and those rice particles that cannot be used for the cooking purpose are taken and the rice particles are crushed nicely in order to make the rice flour. This rice flour is used daily to draw kolam in front of the house. The ants and the other insects will have capacity to separate the flour from the sand particle or any other impurity and use it. If we are interested to provide food to the insects then it is better to make the kolam powder with the help of the rice flour instead of any other substance. Other people also use the sodium bicarbonate for making kolam flour that is not at all fair to be used.